
188金宝搏官下载appPlex Systems任命Heidi Melin担任首席营销官

Press Release


TROY, Mich., May 15, 2013Systems(Plex) - Plex Manufacture Cloud的Provider,唯一具有制造业的核心云ERP系统 - 今天宣布任命技术营销资深伊迪梅林作为公司的首席营销官。Melin的任命遵循Plex的积极扩张,包括最近将Jason Belsing作为其首席执行官和Francisco Partners和Accel Partners的投资。

“Plex is uniquely positioned to help the manufacturing sector take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing,” said Blessing. “Plex is the only vertical cloud ERP product that can run both the shop floor and the back office for a manufacturing company. Heidi’s experience building great technology brands will help us capitalize on the large market opportunity in front of us.”

Melin joins Plex from enterprise cloud expert Eloqua (recently acquired by Oracle), where she served as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Previously, Melin was responsible for the global marketing team at Taleo, a pioneer in cloud computing. She has also held senior marketing positions at Polycom, Hyperion and PeopleSoft.




About Plex Systems, Inc. (Plex)

Plex制造云ushers in a new era of ERP with a complete system designed to power today’s modern manufacturer. Built from the plant floor up, the Plex Manufacturing Cloud enables forward-thinking businesses to increase throughput with existing facilities, squeeze more profits from every order, understand where they are most exposed to risk, respond to customer demand, and keep up with the speed and volume of data on today’s plant floor. No other company offers a manufacturing-first, native cloud solution as complete as Plex. Founded in 1995, Plex is headquartered in Troy, Mich., with customers around the globe.

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